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Arrange the diagram: Automatically Using the exact input order
Height: .-| Spacing: 0-Max
Width: Border: Opacity: 0-1
Opacity: 0-1 Curviness: |-(
Reverse the graph (flow right-to-left)
Diagram Scale = For fair comparisons between diagrams: 1) Use the same units for each, and 2) Make their Diagram Scales match as closely as possible.
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Width: Height: Background Color: Transparent
Margins: Left Right Top Bot
Move Nodes by dragging. Double-click a Node to reset, or: Reset all moved Nodes
Attach incomplete flow groups to: The leading edge of the Node The trailing edge of the Node The edge nearest to the flow group's center
List all imbalanced Nodes
Updated Financial Examples: The latest quarterly results from Apple, NVIDIA, Microsoft